Team For The Planet 🌍 An incredible challenge!

Team For The Planet presentation video, formerly named Time For The Planet.

Generally when we think of participating in the fight against global warming, we think of militant actions such as demonstrations or actions, or of a change in consumption patterns, but Team For The Planet allows you to act in many other ways.

What is Team For The Planet?

Surprising as it may seem, Team For The Planet is not an association. In fact, Team For The Planet is a company with a mission.

Team For The Planet is above all an incredible gamble: a unique position in the search for solutions to global warming.

Innovation, money and companies are seen as part of the solution, not the problem.

The incredible challenge of Team For The Planet

1 million

to collect

100 companies

to be funded

Very often, technological innovation, business and money 💶 are seen in a negative light in the fight against global warming. Rather, they are seen as a cause, but rarely as a solution.

When people want to help a cause, they generally donate money to an association. These donations are generally tax-deductible 🧾. When a person on the other hand gives money to a company, they do so in the hope of making their savings grow.

In the case of Time For The Planet, shareholders fund innovations💡having a massive global impact against greenhouse gas emissions. The profits generated are reinvested in research 🔬 and the dissemination of new innovations.

Innovations funded by Team For The Planet are to be shared free of charge following open source principles 🔓. This increases the chances of developing technical solutions.

How to support Team For The Planet

You can, of course, help finance innovations by becoming a shareholder (from €1), but this is not the only way to get involved. The tasks are detailed on their website (the link is at the bottom of this article).

You can :

  • contribute to Team For The Planet’s reputation through actions on social networks
  • help evaluate innovations. It’s perfectly possible to do this without being an expert. You won’t be the one doing the evaluation. It’s just an initial screening, but a more in-depth analysis is carried out by a scientific committee. There are also other evaluations (marketing, for example).
  • apply to a company selected by Team For The Planet
  • other tasks are also possible (training, hospitality, etc.). These are communicated via the official Discord.

Some of the innovations selected by Team For The Planet

Innovations were selected on the basis of scientific and marketing criteria.

The innovations selected cover a wide range of fields, including carbon capture, energy, heating and air conditioning, and transport.


Application dedicated to the donation of items

Beyond The Sea

Ship towing by kitesurf wing


Innovative technology for generating electricity from waves


Electricity generation from waste heat in industry


Application for measuring and reducing your digital carbon footprint

Cool Roof

A roof paint that reduces the need for air conditioning in buildings

The limits of Team For The Planet

Technology alone will not save the world

Team For The Planet is very honest and transparent about this: technology alone will not solve the problem of global warming. Nevertheless, research and technology can be part of the solution. The notion of the rebound effect is perfectly mastered and understood. This effect is taken into account when selecting innovations.

Communication methods can be surprising

Team For The Planet strives to optimize its shareholders’ investment. To promote Team For The Planet, shareholders and volunteers are regularly asked to share content written by Team For The Planet. This can sometimes be embarrassing, even if the approach is perfectly understandable.

Team For The Planet also uses professional communication methods (videos on social networks, etc.), which may come as a surprise, as it seems far removed from the image one might have of sobriety. But it has to be said that he could never have had such an impact if he had been content to hand out photocopied leaflets as he exited the metro. Today, professional communication is a must if you want to be visible.